Coronorvirus (COVID 19)
The single most important action we can all take, in fighting coronavirus, is to stay at home in order to protect the NHS and save lives.
You can only leave your home:
– to shop for food or medicine
– for any medical need like going to the doctor or hospital
– to travel to and from work if absolutely necessary and only if you cannot work from home
You can also leave your home once a day for exercise, but you must do so alone or with members of your household. Do not meet up with friends or family and make sure you stay at least two metres away from other people and follow the social distancing rules.
For full up to date list of government guidelines please visit
Health and stay at home advice
Do not leave home if you or someone you live with has either:
• a high temperature
• a new, continuous cough
Anyone with these symptoms should stay at home and self-isolate for seven days from the onset of the symptoms.
If you think you have symptoms or you might have been exposed to the virus when travelling, visit the NHS 111 online assessment tool. Only call 111 if you have severe and urgent symptoms.
Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. Stay indoors and avoid close contact with other people.
Read the latest NHS guidance via https: //
Support for vulnerable people who cannot leave their home
The Community Hub from Royal Greenwich is here if you need help because you are vulnerable and self-isolating, and have not got a family member, friend or neighbour who can help. Our volunteers can provide support with collecting and delivering prescriptions, delivering essential food packages and connecting you to local community services.
Concerned about an adult at risk of abuse?
If a person is in immediate danger call 999 and alert the police. If you suspect a person is at risk of abuse or is being abused, report it to the Contact Assessment Team.
• Phone: 020 8921 2304
• Out of hours: 020 8854 8888
• Email:
The switchboard is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Anyone who is concerned that abuse may be taking place or feels they are subject to abuse themselves should seek help, even if the circumstances appear trivial.
If you work with vulnerable adults and you suspect that abuse is taking place, you should also share your concerns. If you are the safeguarding adults lead for your organisation, please email your contact details to us to receive regular national and local safeguarding updates.
Keep up to date: sign up to receive Royal Borough of Greenwich Information newsletter with the latest information directly in your email inbox.
Support for vulnerable people who cannot leave their home
The Community Hub from Royal Greenwich is here if you need help because you are vulnerable and self-isolating, and have not got a family member, friend or neighbour who can help. Our volunteers can provide support with collecting and delivering prescriptions, delivering essential food packages and connecting you to local community services.
GCDA are looking at most effective way of providing crucial meals during this unprecedented time, please complete the questionnaire (GCDA – Emergency Community Meals Questionnaire) and send all responses to as soon as you can.
We are open seven days a week, 8.30am to 6pm. Contact us on:
· 0800 470 4831
For more information in relation to Royal Borough of Greenwich Council services please visit