Making safeguarding personal
Making safeguarding personal aims to develop outcomes focus to safeguarding work, and a range of responses to support people to improve or resolve their circumstances. It is about engaging with people about the outcomes they want at the beginning and middle of working with them, and then ascertaining the extent to which those outcomes were realised at the end.
Making safeguarding personal is:
- A personalised approach that enables safeguarding to be done with, not to, people.
- To work with the person to set safeguarding outcomes which have meaning to them.
- Practice that focuses on achieving meaningful improvement to people’s circumstances rather than just an ‘investigation’ and ‘conclusion’.
- To prevent harm and reduce the risk of abuse or neglect to adults with care and support needs.
- To safeguard individuals in a way that supports them in making choices and having control in how they choose to live their lives.
- To promote outcomes based approach in safeguarding that works for people resulting in the best experience possible.
- To raise public awareness so that professionals, other staff and communities as a whole play their part in preventing, identifying and responding to abuse, harm or neglect.