Annual Reports
Since 2021, the Safeguarding Adults Board has been chaired by Professor Michael Preston-Shoot, who is independent of the Council and all of the statutory and voluntary organisations in the Royal Borough of Greenwich.
The Chair reports directly to the local authority Chief Executive and meets regularly with the Director of Health and Adult Services, and other key partners.
The Board Manager post sits within the Safeguarding Adults Team for the Royal Borough of Greenwich Council and is designed to ensure a strengthening of support that will enable the Safeguarding Adults Board to confidently meet the requirements of the Care Act 2014 and deliver better outcomes for vulnerable residents.
Under the Care Act 2014, the Safeguarding Adults Board has three core duties of which one is the requirement to publish an Annual Report detailing what the Safeguarding Adults Board has done during the year to achieve its main objectives.
Please see links to the successive years of the GSAB annual report.
- Annual Safeguarding Adults Report 2023-24
- Annual Safeguarding Adults Board Report 2022-23
- Annual Safeguarding Adults Board Report 2021-22
- Annual Safeguarding Adults Board Report 2020-2021
- Annual Safeguarding Adults Board Report 2019-20
- Annual Safeguarding Adults Board Executive Summary 2019-2020
- Annual Safeguarding Adults Board report 2018-2019
- Annual Safeguarding Adults Board report 2018-2019 Executive Summary
- Annual Safeguarding Adult Board Report 2017-18
- Annual Safeguarding Adults Board Executive summary 2017-2018
- Annual Safeguarding Adult Board Report 2016-17
- Annual Safeguarding Adult Board Report 2015-16