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Safeguarding Adults Review: Mrs D (June 2020)

Mrs D lived in her own home with her husband, daughter and grand-daughter. Her home was cluttered and in a poor condition. Her grand-daughter (since the age of 16) was her main carer and was also the main carer for her mother. Mrs D or her family cancelled and rescheduled appointments more often than might be considered usual. Mrs D had no social care package of support. She was taken to hospital by her family and was unkempt and appeared to have neglected her personal care. She had a grade four pressure ulcer on her sacrum and her heels were necrotic. She had developed sepsis which led to multi-organ failure and her subsequent death

Please see attached Full report Action Plan and 7 Minute Briefing

Safeguarding Adults Review- Mrs D

05.Action plan Mrs D Update Aug 23(003)

7 minute learning Mrs D